Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sowilo; Riding in the Sun

I stepped through the Doorway into the Otherworld and looked at my feet.  I was barefoot and standing on green grass in the sunshine and I wore a simple green dress, the color of the grass.  I stood on a hill in the late spring in the full sunshine of mid-day.  The land around me was a patchwork of meadows bordered by tall trees in full leaf and before me there stood a beautiful chestnut mare.  She walked up to me and I climbed upon her back and she began to trot across the meadow until we came to a trail. 

She trotted and cantered and walked and galloped and when we came upon a fence or a downed tree she jumped it with ease.  The sun was warm, the breeze was soft, the air was sweet and her movement underneath me felt strong and sure.  I simply rode and let her have her way.  When I felt a desire to go in a particular direction she seemed to read my thoughts and adjusted her movement with subtle grace.

When she returned me to the place she had found me, I slid off her back and stroked her soft warm neck in thanks.  She stood, waiting for my gift, my offering.  I found in a pocket of my dress an apple and I offered it to her and she spoke to me.  She asked me for a vow.  A vow to play in the sun, to do those things that I found to be fun.  To enjoy my life and follow the subtle and graceful way that she had shown me.  I made my vow and stood a moment longer enjoying the sun and the breeze and as she walked away, I felt filled with contentment and pleasure.  

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